HipHop since the freedom of black race and local slavery.
HipHop since Jay Z came through.
HipHop since Jay Z taught rap fans how to be a real nigga by stcking to only beyonce and beyonce realized the real man she's got.
HipHop since Jay Z is alive, we all have the whole world to enjoy the solid essence of hip hop music.
Christmas is here don't drink and drive.
Love y'all.
Tuesday, December 22, 2015
Saturday, December 5, 2015

We realize that it was Friday yesterday and this is for you for the care and great love we have for you kindly appreciate this warm and lovely article.
In the world as of present over 75% of female youth engage and encourages their pals into this bloody act ABORTION thinking that it is the best or some times regarded to be the ruggedest girl's life style and therefore encourages some factors that lure them to such bloody act that can never go off the trace of their living as long as they live on this earth.
Sometimes girls/women feels that being unfaithful in relationship makes them smarter or even richer, as the case may be. Most girls all over the world today will agree with me without any doubt that I am on point but forgetting the fact that we must meet the aftermath of every negative thing that we do ion life.
Some one out there will ask but if I don't do this will I get to marry who will love me the way I have always dream? Yes!, but you shouldn't have gone so wild to hurt the feelings of your lover to be or even hurting you own self too but nevertheless love finds no guilt do you remember that?
Okay! without wasting much of your time, we will love to expose some things for you here in-case you are still dreaming to do this after your mess ups.
Abortion Risks
Below is a description of the immediate abortion risks: Pelvic Infection: Germs (bacteria) from the vagina or cervix may enter the uterus during the abortion and cause an infection in the pelvic region. Antibiotics can treat infections but, in rare cases, a repeat suction abortion, hospitalization and/or surgery may be required.Incomplete abortion risks: An incomplete abortion outlines that part of the fetus, or other products of pregnancy (placenta), may not drain completely from the uterus, requiring further medical procedures. This may result in infection and bleeding.
Blood clots in the uterus: Blood clots that produce severe cramping can also occur. The clots usually are removed by a repeat surgical abortion procedure.
Heavy bleeding: Some bleeding is typical after an abortion. Heavy bleeding (hemorrhaging) is not common and may be treated by repeat suction (surgical abortion), medication or, rarely, surgery. Be sure to ask your doctor to explain heavy bleeding and what to do if it happens.
Cut or torn cervix: The opening of the uterus (cervix) may be torn because the abortionist must stretch it open to allow medical instruments to pass into the uterus during surgical abortion procedures.
Puncture/Tear of the wall of the uterus: A medical instrument can cut through the wall of the uterus during a suction abortion procedure. Perforation can lead to infection, heavy bleeding or both, depending on the severity of the cut. Surgery may be required to repair the uterine tissue, and in serious cases, a hysterectomy (surgical removal of the uterus) may be required.
Anesthesia-related complications: As with other surgical procedures, anesthesia increases the risk of complications associated with abortion. Due to these riskd, many surgical abortion procedures are completed without benefit of anesthesia which can entail a great deal of physical pain to the woman.
Rh Immune Globulin Therapy: Genetic material found on the surface of a woman’s red blood cells are known as the Rh Factor. If a woman and her fetus have different Rh factors, she must receive medication to prevent the development of antibodies that would endanger future pregnancies.
Scar tissue on the uterine wall. A surgical abortion can result in the growth of scar tissue in the uterus, a condition known as Asherman’s syndrome. This can lead to abnormal, absent or painful menstrual cycles, future miscarriages and infertility.
Possible side effects and abortion risks of D&E abortion:
- A hole in the uterus (uterine perforation) or other damage to the uterus.
- Injury to the bowel or bladder.
- A cut or torn cervix (cervical laceration).
- Incomplete removal of the unborn child, placenta, or contents of the uterus requiring an additional operation.
- Complications from anesthesia, such as respiratory problems, nausea and vomiting, headaches, or drug reactions.
- Inability to get pregnant due to infection or complication from an operation.
- A possible hysterectomy as a result of complication or injury during the procedure.
- Hemorrhage (heavy bleeding).
- Emergency treatment for any of the above problems, including the possible need to treat with an operation, medicines, or a blood transfusion.
Complications associated with an abortion, or having multiple abortions, may make it difficult to have children in the future.
In addition, some research suggests a possible link between abortion and an increased risk of the following in future pregnancies:
- Vaginal bleeding during early pregnancy
- Preterm birth
- Low birth weight
- Placenta problems, such as retained placenta
- An incompetent cervix poses risks for future pregnancies — particularly during the second trimester — including: premature birth, pregnancy loss. In such cases, surgery might be needed to repair the damage before a woman can conceive another child.
- A weakened or damaged cervix can lead to the potential for the cervix to open prematurely (incompetent cervix) in a subsequent pregnancy. This is more likely to affect women who have had multiple surgical abortions.
Because every person is different, one woman’s reaction to an abortion will certainly be different from another’s at a spiritual, emotional, psychological or physical level. These impacts can vary over time, depending on the mental health of the post-abortive person.
After an abortion, a woman may have both positive and negative feelings regarding her choice, even at the same time. It’s typical to feel instant relief due to the fact that the procedure is over and that she is no longer in an unplanned pregnancy. However, after a few months, this relief can be replaced with many other emotional reactions.
One woman may feel sad that she was in a position where all of her choices were difficult ones. She may feel emotionally sad about ending her pregnancy. She may also experience a sense of emptiness or guilt, wondering whether or not her decision was correct.
Some women who describe these feelings find they go away with time. Others find them more difficult to overcome as time advances.
Certain factors can increase the chance that a woman may have a difficult adjustment to an abortion.
The lack of counseling before consenting to an abortion can be troublesome after an abortion.
When help and support from family and friends are not available, a woman’s adjustment to the decision may be more of a problem.
If a woman felt forced into the abortion decision as a result of pressure from the father of the child, her family or friends, she may become angry and withdraw from these individuals after the abortion.
If the woman felt like she had no choice but to have an abortion, she often experiences complicated emotions afterwards.
Other reasons why a woman’s long-term response to an abortion can be poor are often related to past events in her life. For example, bad feelings could last longer if she is unused to making major life decisions or already has serious emotional problems.
Talking with a professional and/or objective counselor can help a woman to receive education that allows her to consider her decision fully before she takes any action. It is essential to find a source of information that does not benefit financial from the abortion decision. Pregnancy centers are the best source of information and support to women considering abortion as well as assisting them emotionally after an abortion (abortion recovery). To find a local pregnancy center that provides this level of support.
Other documented emotional reactions to abortion include, but aren’t limited to:
- Acute feeling of grief
- Depression
- Anger
- Fear of disclosure
- Preoccupation with babies or getting pregnant again
- Nightmares
- Sexual dysfunction
- Termination of relationships
- Emotional coldness
- Increased alcohol and drug abuse
- Eating disorders
- Anxiety
- Flashbacks of the abortion procedure
- Anniversary syndrome
- Repeat abortions
- Suicide
In the case of a medical emergency, an abortionist may not be required to comply with any condition which, in the physician’s medical judgment, he or she is prevented from satisfying because of the medical emergency. This includes abortion.
Go to the emergency room if you experience any of the following after an abortion:
- Heavy bleeding occurs (2 or more pads/hour)
- Pain is severe or not controlled by pain medication
- You have fever
- You have difficulty breathing
- You have chest pain
- You are disoriented
Abortion risks are difficult to outline completely because post-abortive people rarely admit to making this choice, even with their physicians. Planned Parenthood, the world’s largest abortion provider, estimates that as many as one out of every three American women have endured an abortion. If abortion is so common, why does no one ever talk about it afterwards? Post-abortive silence is likely related to emotional impact of abortion – shame, guilt, fear of judgment, etc.
Sadly, post-abortive silence means that it is difficult to understand the long term impact of this choice. As a result, it is very difficult to identify long-term trends relating to the physical risks of abortion over the lifetime of a woman. The list below outlines the initial abortion risks risk of the abortion procedure versus long-term risks.
Types of Abortion:
Abortion risks can vary depending upon the procedure and stage of pregnancy.
- During a medical abortion, a woman takes medication in early pregnancy to abort the fetus. Typically medical abortions are done up until nine weeks gestation.
- In a surgical abortion, the fetus is removed from the uterus — typically with a vacuum device, a syringe or a spoon–shaped instrument with a sharp edge (curet) — as a surgical procedure (also called “suction curettage”).
- A D&E (Dilatation and Evacuation) abortion procedure is typically done after 12 weeks of pregnancy. The procedure begins when the doctor opens (or dilates) the cervix. The uterus is then scraped and the unborn child and placenta are removed. After 16 weeks, the unborn child and placenta are removed, piece-by-piece, using forceps or other instruments.
After reading this, please pray and forgive yourself your sins because already you have shade blood!
Wednesday, December 2, 2015
We are sure you know of Runtown.
This fresh rapper from the east is young promising, make no much noise apart from the studio sound and he can take Nigeria music to the next level with his credibility in His works done so far.
Here on SupCelebrities credibility is the main stuff we do here we care about the money but not as much as we care about your mind set and giving you the very best you need on feed.
Show Runtown some love... Get his album even though it appears to be selling much more better than Alobam phyno did but still credibility plus money equals what you are seeing on Runtown's success today and still counting.
Some people are still surprise why Ibo kids are the most sellin in the Nigerian Music, well I think the answer is simple because Ibo's in the industry keeping it real and loving themselves.... and vowed to remain on top. Please we are not trying the separate the love but do good to whom deserves it... DJ KHALED much love on that Hype and Intro for Runtown and much still coming your way. Wow is it a surprise that even the SupCelebrities Boss is also a Jewish Ibo Boy and one may ask who knows how much Runtown paid SupCelebrities for this mad hype/job but the truth is credibility is the fuse.
Facebook: SupCelebritiesOfficial
Twitter: @SupCelebrities

For Runtown in this new album, It's more than a dream come true .
Even if it's you, you must feel much more on top of the world than Runtown is right now.
Reactions is still flowing in Nigeria as the real fresh rapper Runtown drops his album and even on itunes, he is keeping it real, wow on Runtown is now here, Alaba market and some other places you think music still rule, Alhaji Runtown's album is still doing great.
Some are saying that Runtowns Album is hotter than Wizkid's first album but well we are still on the media stunning though with time we will inform you.
Much more is still coming your way bruv!
Hullo Beautiful People, Hope we are all fine? Today SupCelebrities wishes to congratulate DJ Khaled for the much love extended to Nigeria and this is no doubt a good start and a wonderful feature for all arrived and up and coming musicians in Nigeria.

Guess, someone we be like what's up with this now feed? Yea DJ Khaled Early this year while on tour in the USA felt so happy when Jamine Hughes one of the SupCelebrities Top Man in the United States Of America told DJ Khaled that a Nigerian Rapper/Singer Runtown will be joining his crew and Runtown will be blessed if he can give him a wicked hype/intro for his new music he will be recording. After this discussion with Jamine Hughes and Runtown... Jamine told Run town that he should put his mind together that DJ Khaled loves Nigerian Rappers and with his magics DJ Khaled will do it for him.
So after the tour that same Night DJ Khaled made Runtown history and also giving Runtown a scope of the direct linkage to Nigeria and also from Jasmine Hughes If
We know for sure that this new feed will go a very long way in Nigeria and also in America too!
So Nigerians and Americans let keep the love on and we conquer the world with the music power.
Tuesday, November 24, 2015

SupCelebrities out there you can agree with me that after the song Nicki Minaj and August Alsina did it has come to August's head that he is on it!
Well, Think this and keep your comments emailed to us to enable other viewers tuned.... Special Shout-Outs to to you when we see your email.
Facebook: SupcelebritiesOfficial
Twitter: SupCelebrities
Thursday, November 12, 2015

Read your Qur'an. Read your Bible.
The judgement of the truth is in your heart.

No Doubt! You can only go to heaven or hell when you leave this earth coz you never knew who your mama was until you were born.
I greet everybody in the world.
Always make SupCelebrities your favorite blog
How to Find Ghosts in Your House
Yes, it's true ghosts exist, but note that ghosts were once human too.
They had dreams like us, a family, jobs, and homes. If you want to catch
a ghost, you came to the right article from SupCelebrities Spirituals.
TIP 1** Look for stuff that is missing.Anything that indicates that something changed. If you lost something, be sure to loop and suspect anything, it is all possible!
TIP 2 ** At night, turn all lights off except for a lit candle for only a few hours of the night.
This will make it easier to find the ghosts, because they think that you are lighting a candle for them. That's why people turn off candle lights to not attract the ghost. But, make sure to secretly stay awake for the ghosts, and the candle -- it can easily cause a fire.
TIP 3 ** Get a Ouija board and try to communicate, find instructions on how to use one. Remember. These boards are dangerous when meddled with, you could open portals and let out a lot of spirits and ghosts. Also, there are evil ones, so if you want to use one have somebody with you don't do it alone.
TIP 4 ** If you want to keep communication with ghost try to use a tape recorder, ask it questions like:
TIP 6 ** Get a camera and take pictures.Maybe you will find the ghost or spirit on the picture, also, if you catch orbs, they may just be dust or pollen, but some are spirits. If you catch an orb moving, it may be a sign that you have, a spirit, or a ghost. Orbs also have different types of colors.
TIP 7 ** Research. Make some research on ghosts like the type of entities. This is a website where you can go to. It's called Go to this website; it will tell you all you need to know about ghosts.
TIP 8 ** If a demon is the one haunting you, you may want to do an exorcism. If you or a person is being controlled by that demon, go to a Christian church. It doesn't have to be Catholic; that is a common stereotype. If you are serious about having the spirit leave, a pastor is better suited than a priest. Priests read scriptures to drive the spirit away, but it never closes the door for them to come back. Pastors use their relationship with god to make the spirit leave and then help you understand ways that you can protect yourself and your home from it re-entering.
TIP 9 ** Paranormal investigation group. There are people who try to find evidence of ghost and demons, spirits, any type of paranormal activity. Contact some investigators. They may be able to help.
TIP 1** Look for stuff that is missing.Anything that indicates that something changed. If you lost something, be sure to loop and suspect anything, it is all possible!
TIP 2 ** At night, turn all lights off except for a lit candle for only a few hours of the night.
This will make it easier to find the ghosts, because they think that you are lighting a candle for them. That's why people turn off candle lights to not attract the ghost. But, make sure to secretly stay awake for the ghosts, and the candle -- it can easily cause a fire.
TIP 3 ** Get a Ouija board and try to communicate, find instructions on how to use one. Remember. These boards are dangerous when meddled with, you could open portals and let out a lot of spirits and ghosts. Also, there are evil ones, so if you want to use one have somebody with you don't do it alone.
TIP 4 ** If you want to keep communication with ghost try to use a tape recorder, ask it questions like:
- How old are you?
- Why are you haunting my house?
- How did you die?
- Are you married?
TIP 6 ** Get a camera and take pictures.Maybe you will find the ghost or spirit on the picture, also, if you catch orbs, they may just be dust or pollen, but some are spirits. If you catch an orb moving, it may be a sign that you have, a spirit, or a ghost. Orbs also have different types of colors.
TIP 7 ** Research. Make some research on ghosts like the type of entities. This is a website where you can go to. It's called Go to this website; it will tell you all you need to know about ghosts.
TIP 8 ** If a demon is the one haunting you, you may want to do an exorcism. If you or a person is being controlled by that demon, go to a Christian church. It doesn't have to be Catholic; that is a common stereotype. If you are serious about having the spirit leave, a pastor is better suited than a priest. Priests read scriptures to drive the spirit away, but it never closes the door for them to come back. Pastors use their relationship with god to make the spirit leave and then help you understand ways that you can protect yourself and your home from it re-entering.
TIP 9 ** Paranormal investigation group. There are people who try to find evidence of ghost and demons, spirits, any type of paranormal activity. Contact some investigators. They may be able to help.

First of all, much thanks to our america's top followres and visitors and also from Nigeria too. Now let the truth take control, In this world it's in no dispute that nobody knows Don Jazzy to compare the world's greatest Teimberland. We decided to tag Don Jazzy on this just to push Nigeria's music and also want to expose Don Jazzy to more jobs.
Timberland has blessed many people in the United States Of America with his talent of production ranging from: Timberlake, Nelly Furtado and more. Okay! Join us to calcuklate this statistics, trust me, you can agree with us, how many followres does Timberlake has and how many does D'banj, Tiwa Savage, Dr. Sid, D'Prince, R.Bankz and K.Bello. Hahahahahahahahahahahaha very hilarious lol, you can see and gladly call the result without any form of compromise.

Hurray Soutout to our America's best visitors and Nigeria and everybody across the world. You know what?, God bless America and Timberland too, coz forever he gonna win forever even if he's dead but Timbo may you live forever.
ADVICE: Don Jazzy, Nigerians are watching you, upgrade their mentality and orientations with your talent if it's still remaining because it's only you that knows yourself.

MARS DEBREEZ is an up and coming artist based in Lagos and have been with Phizy Joe and is worth a hard work to get all his music produced by Phizy Joe A.K.A. BEAT MILLIONAIRE. Food for thought, if you have less believe yourself due to some inabilities, please wake up and grab the lates because the mission is deeper than a destination, we call every good job a great journey.

MARS DEBREEZ is promising and I think he gat the big bang with him so expect the unexpected from MARS DEBREEZ.

We don't charge as much as you think... Alright. Just feel free and email us your thing.
Facebook Fuse: SupCelebritiesOfficial
Twitter Fuse: @SupCelebrities
Saturday, November 7, 2015
Introducing Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani
Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani was
born 3 June 1980) is the eighth and current Emir of the State of Qatar. He is the fourth son of the previous Emir of Qatar, Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani. He became Emir of Qatar on 25 June 2013 after his father's abdication. Sheikh Tamim has held a variety of government posts within Qatar and also worked to promote numerous sporting events within the country. As of 2013, Tamim is the youngest reigning monarch among the GCC countries
born 3 June 1980) is the eighth and current Emir of the State of Qatar. He is the fourth son of the previous Emir of Qatar, Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani. He became Emir of Qatar on 25 June 2013 after his father's abdication. Sheikh Tamim has held a variety of government posts within Qatar and also worked to promote numerous sporting events within the country. As of 2013, Tamim is the youngest reigning monarch among the GCC countries
Early life and education
Tamim bin Hamad was born on 3 June 1980 in Doha, Qatar.[2] He is the fourth son of Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani, and second son of Sheikha Mozah bint Nasser Al Missned, Hamad's second wife.[3][4] Tamim was educated at Great Britain's Sherborne School (International College) in Dorset,[5] and at Harrow School, where he received his A Levels in 1997.[2][3] He then attended the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst, graduating in 1998Personal life
On 8 January 2005, Sheikh Tamim married his second cousin Sheikha Jawahir bint Hamad bin Suhaim Al Thani, daughter of Sheikh Hamad bin Suhaim Al Thani (with whom he shares a great-grandfather, Sheikh Hamad bin Abdullah Al Thani). They have two sons and two daughters:[3]- Sheikha Almayassa bint Tamim Al Thani (born 2006).
- Sheikh Hamad bin Tamim Al Thani (born 2008).
- Sheikha Aisha bint Tamim Al Thani (born 2010).
- Sheikh Jassim bin Tamim Al Thani (born 2012).
- Sheikha Nayla bint Tamim Al Thani (born 2010).
- Sheikh Abdullah bin Tamim Al Thani (born 29 September 2012).
- Sheikha Rodha bint Tamim Al Thani (born 2014).
- Sheikh Joaan bin Tamim Al Thani (born 2015).
Corruption allegations
Media disclosures have recently suggested massive violations of world soccer body FIFA's bidding rules by Qatar.[72] Among the corruption allegations levelled towards Qatar’s successful bid for the 2022 World Cup are substantial payments to soccer officials across the globe, vote swapping, and shady political deals between FIFA president Sepp Blatter and the Qatari leadership.[72] During his visit at Georgetown University in February 2015, Sheikh Tamim denied all chargesWAX LARGE ENTERTAINMENT CEO SUSPENDED TODAY

This was decided after the company recorded only 4.8% success since 2005 till 2015 according to the constitution of the Entertainment Company.
Kenechukwu Ofochebe CEO Retired WAS FORCED TO STEP down for setting the company back wards and making some artists in the company creating and getting tired of their career since his regime as the CEO, he really felt so bad about this but as the company marks their 10 year anniversary, they decided to suspend this dormant and incompetent
Wax Large Entertainment as it stands now is making an open announcement to accept a good personnel with the resources and a good managerial ability to step in and carry the activity of the company.
This is also an alert to the general public that nobody should regard this young man as the CEO of The Wax Large Entertainment and all his protocol has been suspended and terminated.
Wax Large Entertainment Board has made it clear this man will be arrested and must be punished according to law if any information gets to the company if he parades himself as the CEO or estort money from any recording artist or it's kind.
This is getting to you from the certification of WAX LARGE INC.
young man.
Wednesday, November 4, 2015
NEW MUSIC: Wiz Khalifa - "King of Everything"
Wiz Khalifa
has come through with a sudden late-night drop that finds him spitting
flames. The new track, "King of Everything," is produced by Taylor Gang
producers Cozmo and ID Labs.
A deep bass rumbles throughout the track along with some EDM-type chirping samples, the perfect backdrop for Wiz to go extra hard. He sounds like he's got a chip on his shoulder, and though he's mostly ripping off party raps, the flow is contagious and the wordplay is very slick for a club record. It's unclear if this is a single or just a loosie, but it has the potential to be one of Wiz' biggest records of the year.
What do y'all think of the latest from the #TGOD boss?
We got thrilled by his mad lyrics:
Quotable Lyrics
And my bitch bad, she gon' ride if shit get crazy
Goons mad stuck, they gon' slide, you try to play me
Since a young n*gga, kept that pack up in the telly
Since a young n*gga, been had tats, like Makaveli
Shoot for fun, n*gga, my n*ggas bust, you better run n*gga
A deep bass rumbles throughout the track along with some EDM-type chirping samples, the perfect backdrop for Wiz to go extra hard. He sounds like he's got a chip on his shoulder, and though he's mostly ripping off party raps, the flow is contagious and the wordplay is very slick for a club record. It's unclear if this is a single or just a loosie, but it has the potential to be one of Wiz' biggest records of the year.
What do y'all think of the latest from the #TGOD boss?
We got thrilled by his mad lyrics:
Quotable Lyrics
And my bitch bad, she gon' ride if shit get crazy
Goons mad stuck, they gon' slide, you try to play me
Since a young n*gga, kept that pack up in the telly
Since a young n*gga, been had tats, like Makaveli
Shoot for fun, n*gga, my n*ggas bust, you better run n*gga
Friday, October 30, 2015
Building A Forever Marriage

2. Spend only what you have — financial stress kills romance.
3. Leave no room for selfishness — be relationship givers and not takers.
4. Make sure the “leave and cleave” principle takes place (Genesis 2:24).
Thursday, October 29, 2015
Hullo beautiful people, we are back with the worlds latest celebrity news and today Adele is on the news.
Adele’s Hello is set to become the fastest selling single of 2015.
The British soul singer’s comeback became a viral smash when it was released online on Friday 23 October. The video has already clocked up 107m YouTube plays, 27m of which occurred on its first day of release, breaking all existing records.
At the halfway point in the week, the lead single from Adele’s new album 25 is way ahead of its nearest rival – Justin Bieber’s Sorry – with combined sales and streams of 165,000. This figure includes 156,000 downloads. The current record for first week’s sales this year is held by Ellie Goulding’s Love Me Like You Do, but that figure of 173,000 is likely to be eclipsed by Adele’s sales.
Martin Talbot, managing director of the Official Charts Company, said: “It is a huge challenge for any artist returning after such a huge last record – as 21 and its singles were. But Adele has smashed it right out of the park with a fantastic single, which has connected with British music fans comprehensively. She already looks set to be the queen of quarter four.”
Adele has also been giving interviews to promote 25. She told i-D that motherhood was far tougher than she expected: “It’s fucking hard. I thought it would be easy. ‘Everyone fucking does it, how hard can it be?’ Ohhhhh ... I had no idea. It is hard but it’s phenomenal. It’s the greatest thing I ever did.”
She also talked about the recent Amy Winehouse documentary, Amy, and said she regretted seeing it. She said: “I got super emotional with the funeral footage. But I wasn’t really that into the saved voicemails and stuff like that. I felt like I was intruding so I actually felt a little bit uncomfortable and that ruined it for me. I love watching her, but I kind of wish I hadn’t seen it.
Adele’s Hello is set to become the fastest selling single of 2015.
The British soul singer’s comeback became a viral smash when it was released online on Friday 23 October. The video has already clocked up 107m YouTube plays, 27m of which occurred on its first day of release, breaking all existing records.
At the halfway point in the week, the lead single from Adele’s new album 25 is way ahead of its nearest rival – Justin Bieber’s Sorry – with combined sales and streams of 165,000. This figure includes 156,000 downloads. The current record for first week’s sales this year is held by Ellie Goulding’s Love Me Like You Do, but that figure of 173,000 is likely to be eclipsed by Adele’s sales.
Martin Talbot, managing director of the Official Charts Company, said: “It is a huge challenge for any artist returning after such a huge last record – as 21 and its singles were. But Adele has smashed it right out of the park with a fantastic single, which has connected with British music fans comprehensively. She already looks set to be the queen of quarter four.”
Adele has also been giving interviews to promote 25. She told i-D that motherhood was far tougher than she expected: “It’s fucking hard. I thought it would be easy. ‘Everyone fucking does it, how hard can it be?’ Ohhhhh ... I had no idea. It is hard but it’s phenomenal. It’s the greatest thing I ever did.”
She also talked about the recent Amy Winehouse documentary, Amy, and said she regretted seeing it. She said: “I got super emotional with the funeral footage. But I wasn’t really that into the saved voicemails and stuff like that. I felt like I was intruding so I actually felt a little bit uncomfortable and that ruined it for me. I love watching her, but I kind of wish I hadn’t seen it.
Hullo viewers, today we bring you this great beauty tricks to help you ladies seek attention so fast as a SupCelebrity lol.
**TIP 1 **
Angelina Jolie is famous with a flirty lashes.
**TIP 2**
Pink is a girls color and a shade of pink taps into girlish innocence and coolness.
Naps lip gloss in dolce vita creates a natural but non-wimpy color that looks sexy on you.
Michelle Obama regularly wears this.
** TIP 3**
Winged Liner:
Winged eyeliner brings out the sharpness of the eye, it adds a drama also. For the result use Maybelline Master precise Liquid .
Eyeliner, it makes your eyes look large and lifted. Audrey Hepburn and Adele continually remind us of the wonders of winged eyeliner.
**TIP 4**

Red Lips are sophisticated and conveys confidence and yeah! they are signs of a strong woman. Swipe on a rich red formula like MAC Lipstick in Ruby woo. Red Lipsticks fits all skin tones, you just need to identify the shade that suits your skin-tone.
Marilyn Monroe and Gwen Stefani keep us lusting on the red lips. {Giggles}
**TIP 1 **
Mega Lashes:
The secret to attain full flirty lashes is to know how to wield the mascara wand' L'OREAL PARIS Telescopic mascara is best used.Angelina Jolie is famous with a flirty lashes.

**TIP 2**
Pink is a girls color and a shade of pink taps into girlish innocence and coolness.
Naps lip gloss in dolce vita creates a natural but non-wimpy color that looks sexy on you.
Michelle Obama regularly wears this.
** TIP 3**
Winged Liner:
Winged eyeliner brings out the sharpness of the eye, it adds a drama also. For the result use Maybelline Master precise Liquid .
Eyeliner, it makes your eyes look large and lifted. Audrey Hepburn and Adele continually remind us of the wonders of winged eyeliner.
**TIP 4**
Red Lips:

Marilyn Monroe and Gwen Stefani keep us lusting on the red lips. {Giggles}
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HULLO PEOPLE Welcoming NIKI TALL TO SUPCELEBRITIES NIKI TALL is a Happy DJ with a multi talented entertaining skills with singing, modellin...
Great people hope you having a good weekend but before it runs over take this to the head like Dj Khaled feat Chris Brown. We realize tha...
The inside story. The Nigeria government is already in connection with illuminati. Nigerians should not expect ease of lock down. Soon Ni...
Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani was born 3 June 1980) is the eighth and current Emir of the State of Qatar . He is the fou...